It seems BALANCE is my theme of the week.
Not forcing, not pushing, not trying to shift the universe's plan, but just flowing, and loving, and relaxing into my being-ness.
This week I got my ass kicked by a 2 day migraine...again.
This happened last month too, but for 4 days instead.
So this week, I was scheduled for 3 days at work, not my normal 4 days. And I pushed for more, and was thankful for another day, making it a full work week.
Well, I guess I wasn't listening the first time, when originally scheduled for 3, and the universe works in magical (or teaching) ways they say.
So there comes my learning, and the only way to it, by getting a migraine, going home from work on the first day...spending the full day in bed...and also the next day.
Thus, only ending up with now 2 days at work. Funny. I look back and realize I should have just flowed with it originally, should have just trusted to begin with.
But I did manage to get out dancing this week, and my body SO needed that energy release after being stuck in bed for so long.
Balance. Realizing to not push so hard, but to flow.
For making time for work, time for play, and time for relaxation.
To balance everything. Even spending time on decluttering that hallway shelf of mine.
And when I'm in it. Like,
really in the moment, I LOVE to declutter, to downsize, to shed a little bit more and not hang on to stuff emotionally, or physically. I truly feel lighter.
I found this
article Decluttering as Zen Meditation that is a great read, and gives great perspective on clutter and attachment. I think you would enjoy it.
For me, decluttering really is a form of meditation. It's being in the moment, and not attaching to the past, or the future. But we all do it, it's SO easy to hang on to stuff, whether it's a book I bought 5 years ago to read and haven't managed to get more than 25 pages in multiple times (Eckhart Tolle- A New Earth...anybody want it? ), or that piece of jewelry that I never where, but it's from a special person.
Or even clothes. I've been oddly hanging on to my old "professional" clothes that I wore when I worked at Immigrant Services....2 years ago! I think I unrolled them from my drawer
once since I moved to Vancouver. I mean come on, really? "Why hang on to that?" I say to myself. Well, once I thought about it, it wasn't even about the clothes, it was the image and feeling of "professionalism" that I wanted to stay with me. It was the feeling of my favourite job, of my growth, of my love for working and helping my immigrant families, of being "successful", of making a great income, of my past image that I created and lived.
And those clothes are now gone. And my heart feels lighter and my
memories of all that those clothes embodied are still there, but without the physical attachment to it. To remember to balance myself, my things and my attachment to it all.